Drones Synergies 2019 Edutainment

18 November 2019 - 19 November 2019

Shaping the Future

In its 2019 edition the event is reaffirmed as the unique opportunity to grasp the interaction and dynamic of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems with emergent technologies and applications in shaping and making a better future.

Drones Synergies® is a Multi-Stakeholder event that gathers leaders together from across various fields; drones manufacturer, software developers, service providers and academia for the perfect blend of high-quality plenary sessions/keynote speeches presentations, capacity building workshops, field trials and demos and intimate networking.


Drones Synergies established “Drones Connect™” Network. Enrolled education institutions, as well as other entitled and/or invited organizations, will have a full program of activities including an indoor drones race, a contest and trials, access to exhibition, drones indoor show.

The objective is to provide younger generation with enough exposure to innovation and drones advancements, insights, trends and related jobs of future. As part of Drones Synergies 2019, participating schools/students, from Grade 7 and above, will enjoy a FREE 90-120 minutes tailored program that includes:

  1. Interactive Exhibition with Drones Industry leaders, discovering various type of drones and their applications (Agriculture, Inspection, Mapping and Surveying, Media,etc.)
  2. A dedicated short lecture/presentation on Drones
  3. Drones Games via computer simulation
  4. Attend an indoor Drones Race and Show

There will be 2 sessions per day with a capacity of 60 students per session. First session will start at 10 am and the second session will start at 12:30 pm. 


Academic Organizer
Industrial Organizer
Research Organizer
Endorsed By