The Climate Fresk


The Climate Fresk is an interactive, collaborative workshop designed to help participants understand the complexities of climate change in just three hours. It uses a set of 42 cards based on the IPCC report, and participants work together to map out the cause-and-effect relationships between different climate phenomena. This creates a visual representation of the interconnected issues related to climate change, making it easier to grasp how various factors contribute to the global crisis. This workshop aims to promote climate education, teamwork, and concrete action plans for personal and professional changes.

  • Card Mapping: you will work in small groups to arrange a set of cards, each representing a specific climate phenomenon. Together, you map out how these issues are interconnected. 
  • Team Collaboration: in small groups you will engage in discussions to identify the key drivers of climate change and its consequences, building a comprehensive understanding of the global climate challenge. 
  • Creative Visualization: you will decorate and personalize your climate “fresk” to make it a visually engaging and memorable representation of the global climate challenge. 
  • Debrief & Action Planning: the workshop concludes with a discussion on insights gained and the real-world impact of climate change. You will brainstorm actionable solutions and

Be Part of the Solution !

Join the growing movement of companies and communities committed to protecting biodiversity. Boot the Biodiversity Collage workshop today to empower your team to make a difference. 

“2,1 million people educated in climate issues thanks to the Climate Fresk workshops” (EPALE)

Learning Outcomes
  • Strengthen your corporate sustainability initiatives. 
  • Engage employees in meaningful, team-building activities. 
  • Align with global environmental goals such as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
  • Promote a culture of environmental stewardship within your organization. 

The Climate Fresk is designed to foster a deep understanding of climate change while encouraging teamwork, creativity, and practical problem-solving. It equips participants with the knowledge and motivation to take tangible steps toward sustainability, making it an excellent addition to your organization’s CSR efforts. 

Education Program
CSR Programs
  • 300 AED per participant
  • Minimum 5 participants
  • 3 hours

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