Planting Tomorrow

Topics Addressed
  1. Awareness Session on Ghaf Trees: learn from environmental experts about the benefits of the Ghaf tree, its role in supporting biodiversity, and its cultural significance in the UAE. This session will highlight the Ghaf tree's ability to thrive in harsh desert climates, and combat desertification while contributing to sustainable ecosystems.
  2. Ghaf Tree Planting Activity: plant Ghaf trees, contributing to reforestation and ecosystem restoration efforts. Each tree planted helps reduce carbon footprints, prevent soil erosion, and support local biodiversity and ecosystem health. 
  3. Desert Farm Tour with Crop Harvesting Experience: participants will visit a local desert farm where halophytic crops such as Salicornia are cultivated. They will have the opportunity to harvest crops themselves and learn about the cultivation process, experiencing firsthand how these plants contribute to resilient food systems. 
  4. Educational Tour of the Emirates Soil Museum: embark on an interactive guided tour of the Emirates Soil Museum, learning about the vital role of soil in sustaining ecosystems, combatting desertification, and supporting agriculture in arid environments.
  5. Seed Pod Harvesting, Seed Extraction & Sowing (seasonal).

Please note: 
- This program is offered based on space availability and seasonal considerations.
-  All tree planting activities are combined with an educational tour of the Emirates Soil Museum. 

Book Your Planting Tomorrow Experience Today! 

Involve your team in a rewarding CSR program that blends hands-on environmental action with education and team-building. 

Learning Outcomes
  • Sustainability in Action: take tangible steps toward environmental conservation by planting native Ghaf trees and helping restore natural ecosystems. 
  • Engage and Inspire Your Team: immerse your team in an interactive, educational experience that not only fosters teamwork but also deepens their understanding of the environment and sustainability.

  • Long-lasting Environmental Impact: help combat desertification, support biodiversity, and contribute to local environmental protection efforts. 
Education Program
CSR Programs
  • AED per participant
  • Minimum 15 participants (Adults only)
  • 3 hours

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