Soil Investigation


The Soil Investigation program is designed to introduce students to the science of soil, focusing on its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Over five days, students learn about soil composition, conduct field investigations, perform lab analysis, and develop scientific inquiry skills. The program also highlights the importance of soil in ecosystems, particularly in desert and arid environments such as the UAE.


Day 1: introduction to soil science, including a tour of the Emirates Soil Museum and lessons on soil composition and the five soil-forming factors.

Day 2: field investigation at a site to study soil horizons and collect samples for lab analysis.

Day 3: laboratory work, measuring soil properties like pH, moisture, temperature, and salinity.

Day 4: writing and compiling a scientific report based on the findings from the field and lab work.

Day 5: presentation of scientific reports and discussion of observations and analysis.

Topics Addressed
  • Soil composition and structure
  • Soil formation and classification
  • Soil horizons and profiles
  • Properties of soil (moisture, temperature, pH, salinity)
  • Soil fertility and its impact on ecosystems
  • Scientific report writing and data analysis
  • The role of soil in sustainable development and environmental protection  
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of soil science, including its physical and chemical properties. They will earn hands-on experience in field investigation techniques, such as soil sampling and horizon identification, and will develop laboratory skills to measure key soil properties like pH, moisture, temperature, and salinity. Additionally, students will learn to compile and analyze data, write scientific reports, and present their findings. The program also fosters an appreciation for the critical role of soil in ecosystems and sustainable land management practices.

Education Program
Educational Programs
  • AED per participant
  • Minimum 10 participants (High School/University)
  • 3 hours

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